Sprouted Lentil Protein Salad

I’m working in the city this summer and instead of torturing my stomach with city food everyday, I make lunch and my snacks from home and take them with me. Today, I made a lentil protein salad that is full of healthy combination of carbohydrates from the lentils, protein from the eggs, vitamins and antioxidants from the vegetables, MUFAs from the avocado, and a dash of sweetness with the fresh strawberries. This lentil salad only took me ten minutes to toss together and its so easy to take on-the-go in an air tight plastic container like above. Yummm, who knew salads could be so tasty and healthy at the same time!


The Recipe

Yields 1 Servings

Serving Size: 1 bowl

2 cups sprouted lentils (I used mung beans – click here to learn how to easily sprout your own lentils and beans)

1/2 cup of strawberries, sliced

2 hardboiled egg whites, sliced (I removed the yolks and used the egg whites only)

1 cup raw baby spinach leaves

8 cherry or grape tomatoes, halved

1/4 ripe avocado, sliced

1 dash of turmeric powder (optional)

1 pinch of salt (optional)

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