Colorful & Anti-Inflammatory Protein Salad

I follow a few recipe blogs and recently, I’ve been getting so many messages about summer salads. So, for lunch today, I decided to make a protein-packed colorful salad. I tried to grab all colors possible – white egg whites,  red tomatoes and peppers, orange turmeric powder, yellow sprouts, green cucumbers, and blue blueberries. Pretty successful in terms of the rainbow : ) It’s also anti-inflammatory since I added turmeric powder and fennel seeds. Therefore, it’s a perfect meal for a flat belly diet or someone looked to debloat. I used it as a lunch salad, but the portion size is definitely big enough to turn it into a more dinner side dish if you wanted!


The Recipe

Yields 1 Serving main dish or 2 Servings side dish

Serving Size: 1 salad bowl

2 cup sprouted mung beans – click here to learn how to sprout lentils and beans

1 cucumber, diced with skin

8 cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced

1/2 large red bell pepper, diced

2 large hard-boiled eggs, yolks removed (for vegan options, you can replace the egg whites with tofu or edamame or even enjoy the salad without any replacement to the eggs)

40 fresh blueberries

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp fennel seeds

Salt as per needed (optional)

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