Grilled Kale and Sprouts Salad

For dinner today, I really wanted a simple kale salad but I personally don’t like raw kale so I decided to slightly grill them in my toaster/grill oven. It ended up tasting amazing! I highly recommend eating this on a day that you want a simply but protein-packed salad. The kiwi was probably my favorite part of this salad – I had never tried kiwi as the fruit base of a salad before but it really gave the salad a tangy, sweet taste and mixed really well with the cucumbers. Just a heads up, this salad is more on the “less-heavy” side so if you want a bigger salad for your meal, toss in a few more ingredients like tofu, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc. You can enjoy this salad as a lunch entree or as a side as well!


The Recipe

Yields 1 Serving

Serving Size: 1 salad bowl

1 cup kale, washed and the stems removed

1 cup sprouted mung bean – click here to learn how to sprout lentils and beans

1 cucumber, diced

1 kiwi, diced

1 tbsp olive oil

1 wedge lemon or 1 tsp lemon juice

A pinch of salt (optional)



1. Basically, this salad is really easy to make. I placed my washed kale on a piece of aluminum foil and placed the foil into my toaster and grilled the kale for about a minute and a half. The kale leaves become warm and soft, but not crispy so they tasted delicious. You can also grill them on an actual grill if you want them to be more crisp.

2. Mix together all of the ingredients in a bowl and serve!

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